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Alpha Plus Model of School Improvement

Our DATA tools help support our REMEDIATION model of improvement

#4 of our model: Use DATA to improve instruction (year-round)

✓ Use mastery data to adjust lesson plans, determine resources needed, and coordinate intervention

✓ Data tools include Benchmark tests, predicted report cards, and our Online Tool: School Progress Report.


Who has an Alpha Plus Data Wall?
Weleetka Elementary, that's who!
Teachers use our Objective Accountability Graphs to track progress.

Pictured below, Principal Courtney Ware, Weleetka Elementary School.



Our DATA Tools

(Click on images below for an enlargement.)


  • Taken THREE times leading up to OSTP in order to monitor progress
  • Alpha Plus Benchmark tests allow teachers to identify and group students who need remediation - insuring efficient instruction.
  • Alpha Plus staff works with teachers, using real time data and customizable reports to monitor progress and predict proficiency.


Our Alpha Plus Data is so accurate that we can predict a school's report card grade long before it's issued.



The online School Progress Report gives you a rich amount of progress data. Data includes formative and summative assessments that help teachers identify weaknesses. Teachers can then focus on those skills needing remediation.

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We Use Data to Help Schools on the Way to an A!

Teachers and administrators can quickly and easily identify students who need more help learning the Oklahoma Academic Standards.

Alpha Plus pinpoints the SPECIFIC OAS objectives or "gaps" students have from previous years, then helps school teams address each objective throughout the year.

That is why Alpha Plus schools have OUTPERFORMED the state average every year of the A-F Report Cards.